公司规模:21-100 employees
销售产品:fixed gas detectors, handheld multi gas detector, Portable single gas monitors
Gas Dog Gas Leak Detectors are always application-driven and solution-oriented. Whether for a single application or multiple sites and areas, our durable gas monitoring solutions meet your unique industrial needs. We offer a broad range of gas detectors and controllers to satisfy most international certification standards such as ATEX, SIL (Safety Integrity Level), CSA, Marine, IECEx and others. Find the controllers, transmitters and accessories you need to effectively protect your people and your environment from hazardous gases.
Gas Dog Portable Gas Leak Detector For Home is compact and lightweight, can be used for daily home kitchen safety inspection or for your work like gas pipeline leakage detection, domestic gas prevention, oil and gas exploitation, tunnel and mine operation, chemical industry, metallurgy, refining and chemical industry, biochemical medicine and other industries. The detected gases include acetone, acetylene, alcohol, ammonia, benzene, butane, ethanol, ethylene oxide, gasoline, hexane, hydrogen, methane, naphtha, natural gas, paint thinners, propane, and solvents.
Gas Dog portable gas detectors provide a first (or last) line of defense. These handheld units are essential in industrial/commercial settings where employees are on the move or need a quick means to spot-check areas for gas leaks. Quickly view results at a glance or record gas concentrations, typically in % LEL, PPM, or PPB levels. Monitor for a specific gas or a range of different gases. Devices are even available for monitoring lone workers and providing alerts when someone is down. Gas Dog carry a variety of handheld gas detectors and portable safety devices to suit your organization’s needs.
Gas Dog manufactures a range of technologically advanced gas and leak detectors for a wide variety of gases. Visit our online shop to find the right solution for your gas detection needs.